Mattan S. Ben-Shachar
Author of 15 CRAN packages
Mattan S. Ben-Shachar has worked on 15 packages so far. Wow, Mattan S. Ben-Shachar is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! Mattan S. Ben-Shachar teamed up with 86 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
15 Packages
- afexAnalysis of Factorial Experiments
- bayestestRUnderstand and Describe Bayesian Models and Posterior Distributions
- brmsBayesian Regression Models using 'Stan'
- correlationMethods for Correlation Analysis
- datawizardEasy Data Wrangling and Statistical Transformations
- easystatsFramework for Easy Statistical Modeling, Visualization, and Reporting
- effectsizeIndices of Effect Size
- modelbasedEstimation of Model-Based Predictions, Contrasts and Means
- performanceAssessment of Regression Models Performance
- reportAutomated Reporting of Results and Statistical Models
- seeModel Visualisation Toolbox for 'easystats' and 'ggplot2'
- semToolsUseful Tools for Structural Equation Modeling
- ggeffectsCreate Tidy Data Frames of Marginal Effects for 'ggplot' from Model Outputs
- parametersProcessing of Model Parameters
- insightEasy Access to Model Information for Various Model Objects
- Henrik Singmann
- Ben Bolker
- John Fox
- Søren Højsgaard
- Russell Lenth
- Michael A. Lawrence
- Jonathon Love
- Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen
- Frederik Aust
- Jake Westfall
- Ulf Mertens
- Tristan Mahr
- Micah K. Wilson
- Paul-Christian Bürkner
- Sam Crawley
- Brenton M. Wiernik
- Indrajeet Patil
- Dominique Makowski
- Daniel Lüdecke
- Quentin F. Gronau
- Hamada S. Badr
- Sebastian Weber
- Jonah Gabry
- Frank Weber
- Andrew Johnson
- Aki Vehtari
- Martin Modrak
- Hayden Rabel
- Simon C. Mills
- Stephen Wild
- Ven Popov
- Mark White
- Maximilian M. Rabe
- Rémi Thériault
- Etienne Bacher
- Thomas J. Faulkenberry
- Robert Garrett
- Ken Kelley
- Aaron Caldwell
- Philip Waggoner
- David Stanley
- Johannes Karreth
- Jessica Burnett
- Vincent Arel-Bundock
- Joseph Luchman
- Martin Jullum
- gjo11
- Rudolf Siegel
- Camden Bock
- Matthew Smith
- Jakob Bossek
- Jeffrey R. Stevens
- Maxwell Mansolf
- Alexander Robitzsch
- Andrew R. Johnson
- Edgar Merkle
- Ruben Arslan
- Yves Rosseel
- Jarrett Byrnes
- Terrence D. Jorgensen
- Donna Coffman
- Mikko Rönkkö
- Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal
- Patrick Miller
- Mijke Rhemtulla
- Sunthud Pornprasertmanit
- Alexander M. Schoemann
- Corbin Quick
- James Selig
- Aaron Boulton
- Kristopher Preacher
- Craig Enders
- Bell Clinton
- Pavel Panko
- Steven Chesnut
- Jason D. Rights
- Ylenio Longo
- Sean C. Anderson
- Christina Maimone
- Douglas Ezra Morrison
- Niels Ohlsen
- Jeffrey Girard
- Zen J. Lau
- Grant McDermott
- Alex Hayes
- Alex Reinhart